
Medical Malpractice Insurance

A career in medicine might come with its challenges so we’re here to make sure you stay protected.
That’s where medical malpractice insurance comes in.

Malpractice or professional liability insurance is essential for any professional participating in a hands-on clinical experience and certain virtual rotations. This type of insurance can help protect you from claims against you should any arise during your rotation. This insurance is standard for all U.S. physicians and most healthcare professionals.

At, Malpractice Insurance is a requirement for all on-site rotations to protect your medical career. Even though you have the option of acquiring Malpractice Insurance on your own, we have provided an easy to use resource here:

Turnaround Time is typically 24 hours (not including holidays or weekends). 
Please ensure no errors are made to avoid delays.

All fields are required. Malpractice Insurance fee is non-refundable. 

Visa Letter Request

This form is a request for a Visa Letter to support a submitted visa application for U.S. entry once clinical experience is booked through This letter is not intended to be a substitute for a visa application. Letter is non-refundable.
  • $0.00

Housing Partners

You might be away from home so let us help you find one here!
USDoctors provides resources that will help you find accommodations that fit your needs and are located near your rotations.

While students are responsible for accommodation costs, is here to help you find the perfect housing within your budget. Apply for a rotation in our offered locations, search our housing resources and find the perfect location for you with any of our housing partners!

Please explore any of our Partners below:

Note: Extended America offers a minimum of 5% discount to our users!

HIPAA Certification

HIPAA compliance is essential in healthcare, where individuals share details of their health, personal lives and finances.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 addresses these issues by imposing stringent privacy and security requirements on healthcare providers and their business associates.

At, safety is our goal and we strive to comply with all legal HIPAA requirements. HIPAA certification is required prior to beginning any clinical clerkships with, whether on-site or via telemedicine. Certification is non-refundable, however it can be added to your CV for future clinical experience.

Before Getting Started
Before we get started, please drop in your name and email address to complete the process.
How to Apply for HIPAA

Background Check

Criminal background checks are common in the U.S. workplace and healthcare is no different. At,
we believe in full transparency, for your safety and that of your patients.

Turnaround Time is typically within 24 hours (not including holidays or weekends.
Up to 48 hours if additional research on the application is needed. 

Please ensure no errors are made to avoid delays.

All fields are required. Background check fee is non-refundable.

Educational Resources

Abdominal Physical Exam

Cardiovascular Assessment

Extended Physical Exam Assessment

Eye Assessment Checklist

Head Neck Physical Exam

Neurology Exam

Physical Exam Knee

Pulmonary Assessment

Shoulder Physical Exam

SOAP Notes

U.S. Clinical Clerkship List

Vital Signs Assessment

Family Medicine at The Medina Clinic with USDOC200165

Radiology with USDOC10039

USDoctors Webinars

USDoctors Live!



Extended Stay America
Before we take you to the offer, please drop in your name and email address to complete the process.
Student Room Stay
Before we take you to the offer, please drop in your name and email address to complete the process.